In 2010, we started Rwanda Village Enterprises, a social enterprise venture whose goal is to create a replicable housing development model in Rwanda – To create a comprehensive mixed-income housing solution that leverages the strength of existing employers such as the Ministry of Health and can serve as a model for future developments undertaken elsewhere in Rwanda and the region.

  1. Community EnhancementTo enhance the quality of life for all members of the Rwinkwavu community through town planning and the exceptional design of community facilities. This could include a market center, town plaza, retail stores or community buildings.
  2. Economic Growth and Poverty ReductionTo foster the retention of wealth within Rwinkwavu Sector; to generate increased tax revenue; to create jobs related to carpentry, construction and infrastructure development; to create new venues for commerce; to promote home ownership as a means of household saving, wealth creation and stability; to increase the property values of existing homes and land without expropriation; to provide infrastructure improvements.
  3. Local Capacity Building

    To develop local design, carpentry and construction expertise as a permanent industry; to facilitate the dissemination of low-cost housing solutions, equipment, and technology to individuals interested in building on land they already own or in improving existing homes; to provide home ownership training; to catalyze growth and provide a model rural village for future development projects in the Sector and throughout Rwanda.
  4. Health PromotionTo advance public health by improving the quality of homes and enhancing the hospital’s and PIH’s ability to attract and retain talent in Rwinkwavu.
  5. Environmental Sustainability

    To use local and renewable construction materials, rainwater harvesting, bio-gas generation, composting toilets and other earth-friendly technologies; to serve as a model community for sustainability.